Sunday, November 21, 2010

Renoir Painting Women Wearing No Clothes

If you wish to see the visual narrative; if you want to see the beauty of poetry painted on canvas; then a look at the paintings done by Renoir would be very much entertaining for your eyes. When we look his figurative paintings on a wall of museum, we feel that we are meeting a real person whose beauty is depicted in a charming way.

Renoir Painting Natural Beauty of Women

There was a time when if a painting adoring natural beauty of a woman were painted, the art critics and viewers felt themselves off-guard. The paintings of a beautiful woman done by Renoir were not the darling of such critics. He had painted many canvases which were subjected to the close scrutiny of critics. They also disliked the movement of impressionism, too. They criticised the whole movement as 'the paint fired onto canvass with a pistol'.